bear-pit session

DCHP-2 (Aug 2012)

Spelling variants:
bearpit session, bear pit session

n. especially Ontario & Western Canada, informal, usually Politics

an event where candidates or elected officials face intense questioning.

Type: 1. Origin The term bear-pit session connects metaphorically to the perceived ruthlessness of the questioning, in which someone powerful is attacked,like a bear by dogs. The term is exclusive to Canada, as demonstrated in Chart 1. Although newspaper attestations come from all regions of Canada, the term is most prevalent in Ontario and the Canadian West (see Chart 2).
See also Gage-5, s.v. "bear-pit session" and COD-2, s.v. "bear-pit session", which are marked as "Cdn."; not in ITP Nelson.


At the bear-pit session, Stanfield was given thunderous applause when he put down one angry questioner who said that the bill would crucify and divide the party.
Liberal leader Robert Nixon campaigned in Belleville, Cobourg and Lindsey yesterday; At left, Mr. Nixon leaves Quinte Secondary School in Belleville after a bear-pit session with students.
On Friday evening there will be a bearpit session during which the three leadership candidates, MPPs Mike Breaugh, Michael Cassidy and Ian Deans, will be quizzed by delegates.
Turner arrived Friday night for a bear-pit session in which he took questions from the floor. But only half the 800 delegates were on hand when he arrived and there were still 200 empty places by the end of the session.
About 250 women, selected by the 13 regional status of women representatives, will come to Fredericton Oct. 15-16 for a bilingual conference including workshops and a wrap-up bear pit session. From there, the council hopes to hammer out a three- to five-year mandate that will bring New Brunswick women into the next millennium.
No fewer than 13 Liberals are expected to attend a bear-pit session for potential candidates today in Edmonton at the annual meeting of the party's Alberta wing, the first in a series of provincial meetings that are expected to attract contenders this spring. The meetings will be followed by five debates organized by the national party, the first two in Winnipeg and Moncton in June.
Those "bearpit sessions" have been a fixture at the convention for years. They were the one chance local delegates had to grill cabinet ministers about what's important to them. The unscripted encounters often provide an opportunity to watch ministers try to think on their feet.
Horne and Energy Minister Ken Hughes got most of the mic time at the lunch hour 'bear pit' session, but Robin Campbell the Aboriginal Affairs Minister got a chance to talk about his department's priorities.
"There will be many lost jobs," she told the cabinet during a bear-pit session at the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties conference in Edmonton. "How are we going to make up for this?" Her question drew applause from other rural politicians.


  • Gage-5
  • COD-2


        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 5 Nov. 2013

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 5 Nov. 2013

        Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 18 Nov. 2013

Chart 2: Regional Domain Search, 18 Nov. 2013